Flex Office Space
No need to worry about renting office space while shooting here in Miami, M3 Studios has over 60,000 sqf of available office space. We can house long-term production company clients or short term Miami production shoots the ability to work on-site utilizing the flex office space built for all your needs. Whether shooting on-site at M3 Studios or on-location at the pristine Miami Beach areas production staff have the ability to work out of our facilities, as an office away from home. M3 Studios flex office space includes top of the line furniture including desks, phone system, conference room, printing station, and set up next to the talent support areas.
Benefits Of Our Flexible Office Space

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Choosing Office Space For Creative Companies
Where you choose to locate your business can have a big impact on how well you’ll succeed. For creative or multimedia companies, flexible office space is a must. But what specific factors should you be looking for when you choose your office space? The following seven questions can help you think through what kind of space will best meet the needs of your business and if office space at M3 Studios is right for you.

How Accessible Is the Location?
Location is huge. You want a location that is easy for your customers, clients, and employees to get to. You also want your place of business to be easy to find. You don’t want to have a place that is centrally located, for example, but requires 23 turns to get to after you exit the highway.
A spot that is easily accessible from major highways is both easy to get to and easy to find. If you have a lot of clients or partners who travel from other cities to do business with you, a location close to the airport will make things easy for them.
Our flexible office space offers both of these conveniences. We are minutes away from Miami International Airport and even closer to Florida State Road 112, giving you quick access to the I-95 expressway.
Proper signage can also help clients and partners find your place of business. Marquee signage outside the building not only gives your clients a sense that your business is well-established, it reassures them they are in the right place. M3 Studios’ highly visible tower with a full marquee prominently marks our location, making us easy to find.
Sometimes private entrances can be a plus, depending on your business. If providing a private entrance fits your brand, then we can accommodate you. Our four private parking lots provide parking on both the east and west sides of the building, all with convenient entrances to the interior.

How Much Parking Is Available?
While we’re on the subject of easy access, let’s not forget about parking. Having a super-convenient location will do you no good if your clients or employees are forced to scour the surrounding streets for parking.
If you don’t have convenient and affordable parking, the constant search for a place to park will become an irritant for your employees and clients. Over time, they may decide working for you or doing business with you isn’t worth the aggravation. Did we mention we have four parking lots?
How Much Does Space Cost and How Long Are the Leases?
While it’s tempting to find the cheapest deal you can, that could be a big mistake. We all know that cheap often means bad service. The last thing you want to do is move into space with air conditioning that doesn’t work, and no hope of getting it fixed for days.
You’re much better off finding space that offers you competitive rates. Then you’ll be more likely to receive good service and be able to offer a comfortable and attractive environment for your employees and clients.
Our shared office space facility provides flexible leasing arrangements, including the possibility of short-term leases, since we understand the nature of creative production companies. If you are filming temporarily in South Florida, we can be your home away from home. This way, if you only need the office space for a short time, you’re not stuck paying rent on space you’re not using.
How Flexible Is the Office Space?
Space that provides you with options for various sizes of offices is important. You’ll want space that will fit your needs, not space that you will need to fit into. It’s well known that employees working in cramped conditions are less productive. Having multiple options for office sizes will help you find the right amount of space.
If, for example, office areas can be sectioned off to provide privacy, that’s one way you can customize space to fit the needs of your business. It’s worth asking if this kind of flexibility is available in any space you are thinking about renting.
In addition to having the right amount of space, you’ll want to be able to customize that space to promote your brand to its best advantage. If your space is too fancy, clients might think you’re overpricing your services to pay for it. If your space is cheap looking, they might wonder if you’ll be in business next month.
Having flexible space, to begin with, will help you create the right atmosphere for your brand and business. With over 60,000 square feet of available private office space, we can find something to suit your budget and needs. Whether you need a private wing, shared office space, or just a single office space, we have you covered.

What Are Other Kinds of Rooms Available?
You may find the need to have meetings or conferences from time to time, so you’ll want to rent from a facility that has these types of rooms available. Sometimes the use of these involves an additional charge. Also, inquire about space for your employees to eat lunch.
Creative and multimedia businesses often need other types of rooms from time to time. Which is why it many multimedia companies seize the opportunity to be housed in our film production facility. Dressing rooms, a photography studio, editing bays, screening rooms, green rooms, they’re all here. You won’t need to travel to find them.
What Utilities and Building Services Are Included?
You don’t want any hidden costs, so make sure you are clear on which utilities are included in your lease and which ones are not. Don’t forget about telephone and internet connections when discussing these items.
You’ll also want to know if the building is fully wired for the internet. No one wants to have to work around dead zones. Check on speed and reliability, especially if your business is highly dependent on your internet connection. All of our professional office space is equipped with full fiber optic cable for fast and reliable internet access so that our connection can handle the demands of film production and multi-media companies.
It’s also important to understand all the building services that are included in your lease. Typically, housekeeping and trash services are included. Don’t make any assumptions, though.
Building security is important to ensure that you, your employees and clients, and equipment are safe. Make sure you ask about the facility’s security system, and if it extends to the parking areas.

Who Are the Other Tenants?
For many businesses, the other tenants in the building aren’t a major concern. Creative and multimedia enterprises, however, can benefit greatly when similar companies are located in the same building.
To being with, the entire facility will have a much different feel than if it houses doctors, lawyers, or accountants. As a creative company, you’ll want to be in a space that reflects warmth, creativity, and fun, rather than in surroundings that project a clinical or by-the-book feel. What’s more high energy and exciting than co-working office space inside of a bustling, fully-functional film production studio? Imagine how inspired and productive you and your employees will be working in such a stimulating environment.
Then there’s the networking. You’ll have the chance to meet the other tenants. You may have the opportunity to learn about their work and gain exposure to yours. You’ll also be able to connect with others who may be able to share helpful advice on how they have grown their business. You’d be surprised at the talent and media executives we have coming through our doors on a daily basis. While working out of our active facility, you’ll be sure to make some powerful connections that can springboard your company to a new level.
If you’re a freelancer, you may pick up some work from the other tenants. Or you may find some talent you can borrow to help you through an, especially busy time.
The range of this networking won’t necessarily be limited to the long-term tenants. If you’re in a location that has lots of short-term tenants, such as people coming in from out of town to do some shooting on location, then you’ll have the opportunity to meet them. This will dramatically expand your professional network.
When you’re in a location that serves a diverse range of creatives in many genres, you may find your own ideas and creativity broaden and grow. Just by talking through your ideas with someone may help you come up with an innovative solution you hadn’t thought of.
Perhaps you’re in need of a partner for certain projects. Maybe you need a photographer. Or a videographer. Or a production company to shoot a commercial.
Among the other tenants, you might find just the person you’re looking for. Or they might be able to recommend someone they’ve used. The facility management may have a long list of past clients that they might share with you. This could take a lot of the pain and guesswork out of finding the partner you need.
As the owner of a creative or multimedia company, you have a greater need than other businesses to occupy space that encourages you, your clients and employees to share ideas and learn from each other. The synergy that you can generate from being around similar creative businesses can help you grow in ways you hadn’t imagined.
While location, price, amenities, and services are important, your creative or multi-media company needs space that encourages collaboration and inspires you to greater creativity. Keep this in mind as you choose your office space.